Cigar Talk (2) How to know cigar is “blooming” or “mold”?

When the cigar is covered with a layer of “hoarfrost”, some people think that the cigar is moldy; but another voice runs out and says it is the cigar “blooming”! If it is the former, I believe that cigar lovers will be very heartbroken, and one more precious cigar is missing. And when it’s the latter case, eggplant friends will be ecstatic, which is a world of difference. Exactly how to distinguish?



Moldy Cigars

In the early stage of cigar mildew, we can see the appearance of white plaque, that is, there will be mycelium on the surface of the cigar, which will appear on the surface of the cigar in the form of dots or blocks, and the mycelium will be white. If the cigar is moldy, don’t panic. In fact, mold is also a sign of the vitality of the cigar. Just use a lady’s makeup brush to gently wipe off the moldy part and put it in the humidor for storage.


Of course, if the cigar is further moldy, and green or blue mold appears, the moldy mycelium is likely to have spread all over the cigar, or the surface of the cigar is scattered. In either case, the mold has penetrated deep into the interior of the cigar, so smoking this cigar is not recommended!


Cigar Blossom

Why do cigars bloom? That’s because the oil of the cigar leaves slowly separates out through the structure of the cigar, and a “powder-like” blooming phenomenon appears on the surface of the cigar. These escaping oils adhere to the surface of the cigar as tiny white crystals. Blossoms can range from partial coverage to the entire cigar. The blooming of cigars shows that the alcoholization environment is stable and proper. This is the dream of many cigar lovers, but it is an unpredictable situation. And those crystals are more difficult to wipe off, and it is not recommended to wipe them off.


How to tell if a cigar is blooming or moldy?

If the cigar is filamentous, resembling sharp needle-like objects, or has crystals with sharp angles, then this is cigar bloom. If it’s needle-pointed, it’s moldy. Because a large number of mold spores are contained in the tip. If a few spots of mildew appear on a cigar and then spread, this is a sign of mildew on the cigar. If the whole piece appears, the cigar looks like it is covered with a veil, and it will not rise and fall. This is the “blooming” of the cigar. Moldy cigars are like clouds and have a soft appearance. The white objects are three-dimensional, like “long hair”, and are covered in various places on the wrapper. Cigars “bloom” like the thin frost-like crystals that appear on vegetable leaves on a winter morning.


Cigar Purchase:
Shop Address:Unit 902B, 9/F, Sun Cheong Industrial Bldg, No.1 Cheung Shun Street, Cheung Sha Wan, Kln
Tel:+852 23682727



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